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This is a blog to document the growth of my fledgling green and socially conscious body care business, Organic Mind Body Therapy: Eco Fair Body Care and to give advice about healthy eating and living practices that cure from the inside out.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Being Natural/ Be About It Part 2: To Be or Not To Be

To Be or Not To Be, is that really the question?  We aspire for our bodycare businesses to BE green.  For some of us, that may be pretty easy since most handmade bodycare products' ingredients come from herb gardens, grocery or craft stores.  But how will our everyday lives effect our bodycare businesses and visa versa.  I mean the day to day practices and habits we've acquired, cleaning habits, money management habits, organizational habits, eating and trash disposal habits can carry over in all facets of your lives, including in our businesses.  So how Green are we truly?
   It is no secret that one's "issues" at home, how ever good or bad will eventually pop up at work, school, church, and yes in our business.  I mean since it is our creation, it is ultimately a direct reflection of us.  So any unresolved or unchanged undesirable habits we've acquired over the years will naturally seep into the day to day bustle of running a business.
   Now all judgment aside, no one is or ever will be perfect, especially when it comes to running a successful biz.  I just think its beneficial to understand our own quirks so we'll know where to put our energy and when to seek help.  For instance, what does it mean to be green.  Is it enough to have natural and safe ingredients or can we incorporate sustainable packaging, label printing, and waste management.  I think the natural flow of things will allow an organic progression for all of our businesses to meet up to their ultimate potential always in accordance to our own evolution in personal growth.

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