Friday, April 23, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Prevent or Ease Seasonal Allergies Naturally
Happily, spring is upon again. Though many of us may rejoice in this season of growth and blossoming, some of us suffer from hay fever, watery and itchy eyes, noses, and throats, and sinus pain and headaches due to pollen and other allergens. I am one of those people. Unfortunately,(well maybe it isn't so unfortunate) I am also very sensitive to over the counter and prescribed pharmaceuticals(thanks to an allergic reaction to ibuprofen a couple of years ago) so I choose to treat all my minor ailments safely and naturally with diet, vitamin and/or herbal supplements. Here are some that I use during allergy season and often times have to start several weeks before my hay fever usually starts for the best results:
Quercetin: substance found in plants as a flavonoid and limits the effects of histamine, reducing inflammation and in turn can reduce other symptoms associated with hay fever, such as runny nose, swelling in the eyes, nose and throat. I usually take 250 to 500 mg two to three times a day of the Whole Foods Brand which also contains Bromelain (an enzyme found in the stem of pineapples) which helps in the absorption of quercetin in the body.
Acidophilus: a probiotic that not only can aid in digestion but also has been found to decrease the symptoms of hay fever ( perennial allergic rhinitis) and also may play a role in preventing food allergies by helping the intestines properly absorb various foods as well as affecting the body's response to those foods. I take it in capsules kept in the fridge at 1 to 2 billion colony forming units (CFU) per day.
Omega-3 fatty acids: often found in fish oil and makes the body less prone to inflammation thus potentially quieting allergy symptoms. I take 3-5 grams a day divided throughout the day with my meals. It is important to check the label and make sure it is from a reputable company. We use Nordic Naturals DHA as a family.
Eat Your Quercetin in apples, beans, cabbage, garlic, grapefruit, grapes, green leafy veggies, pears, spinach, onions, red wine,green and black tea.
Eat Your Acidophilus in plain yogurt ( unsweetened and organic is the best). Check the label to insure that it contains acidophilus and that the yogurt has NOT been heat treated or pasteurized after being cultured, otherwise there will be no remaining beneficial bacteria. Also look for " contains live cultures" on the packaging.
Eat Your Omega 3s in cold water fish like achovies, wild alaskan salmon, sardines, herring (Alaskan and Pacific), bluefish and atlantic halibut, sablefish (black cod) where you will find the most abundant source of these oils but they are also found in canola oil, cod liver oil, english walnuts, flaxseed, mustard greens, soybeans, spinach, wheat germ oil , and wild game.
Quercetin: substance found in plants as a flavonoid and limits the effects of histamine, reducing inflammation and in turn can reduce other symptoms associated with hay fever, such as runny nose, swelling in the eyes, nose and throat. I usually take 250 to 500 mg two to three times a day of the Whole Foods Brand which also contains Bromelain (an enzyme found in the stem of pineapples) which helps in the absorption of quercetin in the body.
Acidophilus: a probiotic that not only can aid in digestion but also has been found to decrease the symptoms of hay fever ( perennial allergic rhinitis) and also may play a role in preventing food allergies by helping the intestines properly absorb various foods as well as affecting the body's response to those foods. I take it in capsules kept in the fridge at 1 to 2 billion colony forming units (CFU) per day.
Omega-3 fatty acids: often found in fish oil and makes the body less prone to inflammation thus potentially quieting allergy symptoms. I take 3-5 grams a day divided throughout the day with my meals. It is important to check the label and make sure it is from a reputable company. We use Nordic Naturals DHA as a family.
Eat Your Quercetin in apples, beans, cabbage, garlic, grapefruit, grapes, green leafy veggies, pears, spinach, onions, red wine,green and black tea.
Eat Your Acidophilus in plain yogurt ( unsweetened and organic is the best). Check the label to insure that it contains acidophilus and that the yogurt has NOT been heat treated or pasteurized after being cultured, otherwise there will be no remaining beneficial bacteria. Also look for " contains live cultures" on the packaging.
Eat Your Omega 3s in cold water fish like achovies, wild alaskan salmon, sardines, herring (Alaskan and Pacific), bluefish and atlantic halibut, sablefish (black cod) where you will find the most abundant source of these oils but they are also found in canola oil, cod liver oil, english walnuts, flaxseed, mustard greens, soybeans, spinach, wheat germ oil , and wild game.
This blog and post is intended as information only, not as treatment, cure, or diagnosis for any condition so if you suspect that you have a medical problem, please seek the advice of a competent and licensed medical professional.
Vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other supplements can have powerful druglike effects on your body when taken in large amounts. It is possible to overdose on certain vitamins, minerals, herbs and other supplements and it is possible to experience side effects. Vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other supplements can also interact with medications. For all of these reasons you should always check with your physician when using vitamin doses above the Daily Values or any other supplement.Friday, March 19, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Our Dedication is to Our Customers AND Our Planet

OMB Therapy is proud to announce that our strong dedication to bring you safe, eco and socially sustainable body care has lead us to sign up for The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and the Buy Handmade Pledge. Feel free to check out the websites to get more information about how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the harsh ingredients so often put into commercially made body care products.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Knock out both the Winter Blues and Dry Winter Skin with Fish Oil
Some of us may be enjoying the snow and time with family during these winter months, but many of us were ready for spring yesterday eventhough there seems to be no end to this winter weather. Other than the holidays, flu season, and cold weather, many people suffer from dry winter skin and what some call Winter Blues during this time of year. These conditions can cause great physical and emotional discomfort, but there are safe, and effective ways to naturally treat them and get exceptional relief. Fish oil has been shown to be very effective in combating and treating both dry skin conditions and the winter blues (SAD).
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or the winter blues is a condition where sufferers experience seasonal changes of mood and behavior, such as depression. Some of the symptoms are fatigue, sleep problems, feeling sad or low, overeating (especially carbohydrates), irritability and tension, concentration problems, loss of libido and feeling under the weather. About 20% of cases are fairly mild and can be treated naturally. More severe cases should seek the advice of a medical professional. The omega 3 fatty acids, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), commonly found in fish oil, plays a role in the synthesis of serotonin ( a hormone or neurotransmitter that is believed to influence a variety of psychological and body functions including brains cells linked to mood, sleep, sexual desire , appetite, behavior , learning and memory). So taking 700mg of EPA and 500 mg of DHA daily should do the trick.
Dry winter skin usually occurs for some of us who already have dry skin but it seems to worsen during the fall and winter months. Though it is more common in older adults, it can occur at any age and can be caused by genetics, vitamin A or B deficiency, over use of harsh soaps, and a low intake of essential fatty acids found in healthy oils and fish. Symptoms include: red, scaly, and itchy skin, worsening of symptoms during the winter months, and dry skin most common on face, hands, arms, and legs. The oils of cold water fish, such as mackerel, herring, and salmon are rich in omega 3 acids and eating these fish about twice a week will help replenish moisture to the skin. For vegetarians, vegans, or individuals with fish allergies a non fish omega 3 supplement is available at the health food store or even at the grocery store, just make sure it has a substantial amount of EPA/DHA in each serving. 3 grams total is the maximum amount suggested. It is also great to avoid skin care products with alcohol and topically use a emollent or fatty oil scented with lavender and/or chamomile that also has added vitamin E and calendula such as OMB Therapy's Excema Relief or Relax Body Butters. Vitamin B complex is also a great supplement to take for both dry skin and winter blues symptoms. Foods that are naturally rich in Vitamin A and B are red and yellow colored fruits and veggies as well as green leafy veggies and wholegrains like brown rice. Heres a great recipe from that includes Salmon and veggies, sounds delicious. Enjoy.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Being Natural/ Be About It Part 2: To Be or Not To Be

It is no secret that one's "issues" at home, how ever good or bad will eventually pop up at work, school, church, and yes in our business. I mean since it is our creation, it is ultimately a direct reflection of us. So any unresolved or unchanged undesirable habits we've acquired over the years will naturally seep into the day to day bustle of running a business.
Now all judgment aside, no one is or ever will be perfect, especially when it comes to running a successful biz. I just think its beneficial to understand our own quirks so we'll know where to put our energy and when to seek help. For instance, what does it mean to be green. Is it enough to have natural and safe ingredients or can we incorporate sustainable packaging, label printing, and waste management. I think the natural flow of things will allow an organic progression for all of our businesses to meet up to their ultimate potential always in accordance to our own evolution in personal growth.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Be About It
Creating a business that puts people and the planet before profit may initially sound contradictory. I mean the main goal of a business is to turn a profit, right? Well, I beg to differ. That may be one of the main goals but lets be honest with ourselves. Most businesses start off as an interest that turns into a hobby and then turns into a passion. Then once family and friends catch on and love the product and people from church and the kid's school get word of your ingenious talents, the next thing you know, you are up to your eyeballs in orders. And that's when you finally realize that, "hey, I've actually got something pretty good that I could potentially make a living at." Now in that moment, is where the true learning curve begins. Not only do we start fretting about business plans, financing, insurance, legal protection, taxes, marketing and advertising......(I could go on all day, but I'll spare you), but we also have in the back of your minds that this business should look out for the well-being of its customers, employees, its environment and the effect it has on the world in general AND at the same time paying our bills and helping us (the owners) to invest in our own retirement and children's college funds and health plans, etc, etc, etc.
Some business moguls would say that IDEALISM has no place in the world of checks and balances and a world in the Free Market. Well I say that businesses are always in a great position to evaluate not only the market and the effects of marketing and advertisement campaigns, but also in observing and understanding the effects of a free market and most specifically, the day to day grind of a profitable business on it's people and community. To me that is Realism and very much attainable.
Now you don't have to be in the health field, and environmental or social scientist to create a business that puts the health of the planet, people, and even pets first. The same passion for your now business or aspiring business that pushed you to keep creating and believing in your vision, is the same seed of innovation and ingenuity that can bring your green ideas into reality. Nurturing those seeds will allow your biz to grow not just by talking about it, but BEING about it. A great book that talks about this very process is called Creating An Herbal Bodycare Business, by Sandy Maine. I highly recommend it.
Some business moguls would say that IDEALISM has no place in the world of checks and balances and a world in the Free Market. Well I say that businesses are always in a great position to evaluate not only the market and the effects of marketing and advertisement campaigns, but also in observing and understanding the effects of a free market and most specifically, the day to day grind of a profitable business on it's people and community. To me that is Realism and very much attainable.
Now you don't have to be in the health field, and environmental or social scientist to create a business that puts the health of the planet, people, and even pets first. The same passion for your now business or aspiring business that pushed you to keep creating and believing in your vision, is the same seed of innovation and ingenuity that can bring your green ideas into reality. Nurturing those seeds will allow your biz to grow not just by talking about it, but BEING about it. A great book that talks about this very process is called Creating An Herbal Bodycare Business, by Sandy Maine. I highly recommend it.
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