Some of us may be enjoying the snow and time with family during these winter months, but many of us were ready for spring yesterday eventhough there seems to be no end to this winter weather. Other than the holidays, flu season, and cold weather, many people suffer from dry winter skin and what some call Winter Blues during this time of year. These conditions can cause great physical and emotional discomfort, but there are safe, and effective ways to naturally treat them and get exceptional relief. Fish oil has been shown to be very effective in combating and treating both dry skin conditions and the winter blues (SAD).
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or the winter blues is a condition where sufferers experience seasonal changes of mood and behavior, such as depression. Some of the symptoms are fatigue, sleep problems, feeling sad or low, overeating (especially carbohydrates), irritability and tension, concentration problems, loss of libido and feeling under the weather. About 20% of cases are fairly mild and can be treated naturally. More severe cases should seek the advice of a medical professional. The omega 3 fatty acids, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), commonly found in fish oil, plays a role in the synthesis of serotonin ( a hormone or neurotransmitter that is believed to influence a variety of psychological and body functions including brains cells linked to mood, sleep, sexual desire , appetite, behavior , learning and memory). So taking 700mg of EPA and 500 mg of DHA daily should do the trick.
Dry winter skin usually occurs for some of us who already have dry skin but it seems to worsen during the fall and winter months. Though it is more common in older adults, it can occur at any age and can be caused by genetics, vitamin A or B deficiency, over use of harsh soaps, and a low intake of essential fatty acids found in healthy oils and fish. Symptoms include: red, scaly, and itchy skin, worsening of symptoms during the winter months, and dry skin most common on face, hands, arms, and legs. The oils of cold water fish, such as mackerel, herring, and salmon are rich in omega 3 acids and eating these fish about twice a week will help replenish moisture to the skin. For vegetarians, vegans, or individuals with fish allergies a non fish omega 3 supplement is available at the health food store or even at the grocery store, just make sure it has a substantial amount of EPA/DHA in each serving. 3 grams total is the maximum amount suggested. It is also great to avoid skin care products with alcohol and topically use a emollent or fatty oil scented with lavender and/or chamomile that also has added vitamin E and calendula such as
OMB Therapy's Excema Relief or
Relax Body Butters. Vitamin B complex is also a great supplement to take for both dry skin and winter blues symptoms. Foods that are naturally rich in Vitamin A and B are red and yellow colored fruits and veggies as well as green leafy veggies and wholegrains like brown rice. Heres a great recipe from that includes Salmon and veggies, sounds delicious. Enjoy.